With Pencils Remodeling & Handyman, you can confidently trust us as your premier choice for Kitchen, Bathroom, and Home Maintenance needs. With over 18 years of experience, we ensure every project is handled with expertise and dedication. Additionally, our extensive network of professionals guarantees you the best in materials acquisition. We also strive to keep it clean, green, and country, reflecting our commitment to sustainability and traditional values.
“Your remodeling project… the professionals behind it… and the pencils they use.”
At Pencil Remodeling and Handyman, the “Pencils” represent the skilled professionals who bring your remodeling project to life. From the salesperson to the architect, the floor plan drawer to the carpenter’s pencil, the designer to the engineer, and the project estimator to the inspector’s pencil—each pencil symbolizes the expertise and dedication of the individuals who make your vision a reality. Hence the name Pencils Remodeling & Handyman.